Legal notice
Editor :
Vignerons mais Autrement
33420 Saint Vincent de Pertignas France
Tél: 0557841366
SIREN: 31886929400013
Publication director: Guillaume Carayol
Hosting :
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL
L 1855
Tel 352 2789 0057
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Legal drinking age:
To use this site, you must be of legal drinking age in your country of residence. If this is not the case, you should exit the site. For those of drinking age, keep in mind that our products should be consumed in moderation.
Restricted territories:
In some countries, it is not permitted to visit a site like ours due to local laws restricting the sale and/or the promotion of alcoholic beverages. If you are accessing this site from a country where such restrictions apply, you should exit immediately. If you are not familiar with the legislation in your country in this regard, we suggest that you logout and find out before continuing.
Vignerons mais Autrement does its best to ensure that the information found on the site is accurate and precise.
Nonetheless, none of the information provided is contractual. Vignerons mais Autrement cannot guarantee that the materials on its website are accurate, precise or exhaustive.
Consequently Vignerons mais Autrement excludes all responsibility:
• for any lack of precision, lack of accuracy or omission related to the information available on the website;
• for any direct or indirect damage resulting from your use of this site; the inability to use this site; and/or from the credit given to information derived directly or indirectly from the site.
Vignerons mais Autrement reserves the right to change or correct the content of its website at any time without warning.
Vignerons mais Autrement is not responsible for any damage resulting from the use of information from this site and/or the use of a product to which any such information refers. It is the user's responsibility to verify any information obtained on this site and the use thereof.
All material on this site is protected by French and international copyright laws.
Access to our website gives you a non-exclusive right to it for personal use.
All rights are reserved to materials on this site, including text, photographs, graphics, logos, and trademarks. Consequently, partial or integral representation or reproduction, without prior consent from the copyright owners, is illegal.
Links to other sites:
Vignerons mais Autrement has no control over the websites to which it provides links and cannot be held responsible for the content of these websites and the use that can be made of them.
Any simple and/or deep linking or framing to the Vignerons mais Autrement website is strictly prohibited and, consequently, no material displayed on a Vignerons mais Autrement website page can be partially or completely replicated, transferred or inserted on another website, or be used to create by-products.
The site you are visiting uses tracers (cookies). Thus, the site is likely to access information already stored in your electronic communications terminal equipment and to enter information therein.
The site exclusively uses so-called "strictly necessary " plotters, which do not require your prior consent.
We use these tracers to carry out anonymous statistics of visits.
The use of tracers is governed by article 32 II of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, transposing article 5.3 of directive 2002/58 / CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 12, 2002 as amended. by Directive 2009/136 / EC.
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