Owned by the Swedish Kamprad family (founders of the multinational retail company IKEA), La Navicelle is tucked into the side of the “Colle Noire” massive and neighbors to Clos Cibonne, overlooking the sea near Toulon. This 21-hectare estate produces wines that showcase the stunning terroir its vines are rooted in - with northern exposure and thus later ripening vineyards, resulting in greater acid retention and increased complexity in the mature grapes.


A Flot (Afloat in French) rosé is so organic and biodynamic, it practically hugs trees while it
ferments! With a minimalistic winemaking style that's as light as a feather, this wine sports the
pale hue iconic to its region but packs a punch in flavor. Its native yeast fermentation is like a
secret ingredient, sprinkling complexity into every sip and showcasing the savvy agriculture at
Domaine la Navicelle. It's like the wine whispers, "I'm more than just a pretty color!"
In the vineyard
La Navicelle's vineyards are a captivating display of terroir, gracefully sprawling across terraces
featuring red clay and a medley of limestone, sandstone, and shale. Here, they meticulously
scrutinize every aspect of vineyard management, from soil preparation to harvesting, all driven by innovation. And what's causing a stir? They're fashioning a white wine with the elusive Sémillon grape, transforming rarity into something truly extraordinary – it's the vineyard's most recent and exhilarating adventure!

From sunrise to noon, they seize the enchanting moment for their harvest, preserving the
refreshing morning aura. Every grape undergoes a gentle crush beneath a cool shroud to prevent
oxidation. The next phase commences as the pressed juices flow into stainless steel sanctuaries, initiating fermentation. This entire process unfolds under the vigilant supervision of their state-ofthe-art, gravity-fed cellar, where temperatures are meticulously controlled, akin to a maestro conducting an orchestra. It's here that the wines rest on lees until they are ready for bottling.
Muscat blanc à petits grains
Alcohol content : 12,5 % vol.
GM : No.
Contains sulphites. Does not contain egg or egg products. Does not contain milk or milk-based products.
AB Agriculture Biologique


T° of service: 8°C / 46°F
Ageing potential
Enjoy all year long, 2 to 3 years
Nestled by the sea, this charming estate brings you a tantalizing wine, bursting with fragrant white
fruits and zesty acidity. Ripe pears mingle with luscious soft fruits, and a zing of tangy lime adds a
spicy twist. The finish? It's as crisp as a fresh breeze, and with a little more time, it's bound to shine
even brighter. Get ready for a crisp and tangy finale!
Food pairings
Aperitif, Sea food, Shellfish, Fish, French cuisine, White meat, Poultry