Les Hauts de Roc Salière - AOP Rasteau Red 2023

Situated in the southern part of the Rhône valley, Roc Salière is a place that is steeped in history. The small village of Rocsalière owes its name to its unusual location at the foot of a rocky outcrop. A stone throw away, the ‘Rocher des Druides’ and ancient cliff dwellings are the subject of many legends since the Middle Ages. Nowadays, nature has reclaimed the place that flourishes out of a respect for the surrounding wildlife and flora.


We produce our wines based on these very values, with a constant desire to preserve our ecosystems and their heritage.
Situated north of the Vaucluse Département, Rasteau PDO is bordered by the Ouvèze and Aygues rivers and enjoys a Mediterranean climate. Sheltered from the Mistral wind, the south facing hills favour the overmaturation of the grapes. Our vineyards flourish here in a well-balanced terroir and soil composed of clay-limestone which provide a regular water supply and release at night the heat accumulated throughout the day.
Nature of the soils: combinations of red clay, sand, limestone and round pebbles.
In the vineyard
Average age of the vines: 40 years.
Traditional vinification with 3 to 4 weeks vatting after destemming, pumping-over and releases.
Grenache noir : 80%
Syrah : 20%
Winegrowing label : Agriculture conventionnelle
Residual Sugar : < 3 g/l


Ideal serving temperature: 16°C - 18°C.
Bright garnet colour. Delicate nose with hints of black berries (blackcurrant) and spices (pepper). Smooth and intense, both silky and supple.

