A new geographical indication within the BOURGOGNE appellation, Bourgogne Côte d'Or brings together the vineyards in regional appellation located on the Côte de Nuits and Beaune. Crafted like its illustrious neighbors (high density vines, manual harvesting, oak barrel aging), this wine is an excellent introduction to the style of the wines of the Côte d'Or which in red are recognizable by their ruby red color, by their frame and their aromatic of red berries with hints of peony.
The vintage
The red wines of the 2020 vintage stand out for their incredible colors, with beautiful sustained colors, a mark of great richness in anthocyanins. The ideal conditions of sunshine and the heat during maturation led to concentrated wines, with character, but without being heavy. Like the white wines, they have kept freshness and offer gourmet profiles on black fruits such as blackberry, blueberry, black cherry...
Despite its regional appellation, this wine undergoes careful aging worthy of those reserved for its illustrious neighbors on the Côte. Part of the cuvée is aged in oak barrels aged 2 to 3 wines to allow the aromas to express themselves as best as possible and not to dominate the structure of this delicate wine. No racking is done to leave the wine on its lees and the batches are then put back in mass for 2 to 3 months to clarify the wines as naturally as possible.
Pinot Noir : 100%