The bouquet is intense, the bottle is wonderful !


This Pinot Gris Héritage comes from a selection of the vineyard's parcels. This wine is enjoyed with various dishes, which makes it a simple wine, for multiple use.
Mostly granitic
In the vineyard
Vines age: 40 years-old
Our work is based on a minimum use of pesticides.
This beeing an alternative between conventional agriculture and organic farming.
100% hand picked harvest
This Pinot Gris has been matured in temperature controlled stainless steel vats, in order to manage its evolution during the vinification
Pinot gris : 100%
Alcohol content : 12,5 % vol.
Contains sulphites. Does not contain egg or egg products. Does not contain milk or milk-based products.
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To serve between : 8° and 10°C
You can keep it between : 3 to 5 years
It is a wine that can improve in bottle over several decades.
Appearance: The robe is limpid and bright, gold in colour, with silver fringe
Nose: Spices aromas, and mildly smoky.
Palate: Its attack is vivid, and slightly sour. It is also defined by spices touches, and wild flower aromas.
Food pairings
It goes very well with white meat, salads, foie gras, or even a roast.