Château Clarettes is a long-standing anchor on the Arcs-sur-Argens terroir and has reborn from its ashes like Phoenix in recent years. It’s undergoing a complete renovation — with even more improvements to come — made possible by the will of wine enthusiasts Seligsons from Finland, who took over this vineyard in 2012. This historic estate is taking a page from nearby Bandol, utilizing a high proportion of Mourvèdre in its rosés.


When you swing by the Seligsons' winery, get ready for some grape therapy, literally! It's like a spa
day, but with vineyards for views and oak trees for company. So, sip back, relax, and let the
tranquility seep in – it's the kind of therapy where the only thing you're pouring out is another glass
of their calming concoction!
In the vineyard
Say adios to weed-killer! Château Clarettes has gone old school, embracing the wonders of Mother Nature's agriculture. In a move that's green in more ways than one, the estate has recruited a fluffy fleet of 'garden sheep'. These woolly eco-warriors get busy in late winter, munching away on pesky weeds and, bonus – they're walking, baa-ing fertilizer factories! It's part lawn-mowing, part soil-enriching, and 100% eco-chic.
Gathered at the first light of dawn, the grapes are then destemmed and gently crushed in chilly
conditions to ward off oxidation. This is followed by a pre-fermentation settling. Next, both the
free-flowing and pressed juices are moved to stainless steel vessels, initiating the fermentation.
Here, temperatures are meticulously managed all through the winemaking journey, ensuring the
preservation of a delightful, aromatic freshness.
Clairette : 80%
Rolle : 20%
Alcohol content : 12,5 % vol.
GM : No.
Contains sulphites. Does not contain egg or egg products. Does not contain milk or milk-based products.
Agriculture Raisonnée
Haute Valeur Environnementale


T° of service: 8°C / 46°F.
Ageing potential
Enjoy all year long, 2 to 3 years
Dive into a sumptuous mix of Clairette and Rolle in this dry delight, dripping with honeyed yellow
fruits, zesty ripe citrus, and a splash of tropical fruits and succulent apples. It's a dance of zippy
acidity and lush texture, creating a beautifully woven wine that leaves your palate with a vivid,
lingering aftertaste. Ready to uncork and enjoy, it's a taste adventure waiting to happen!
Food pairings
Aperitif, Cheese, Sea food, Shellfish, Fish, White meat, Poultry